About the client site for the
Law Office of Michael Lopresto
Welcome to the client site for the Law Office of Michael Lopresto. This site provides our clients access to various documents and services related to our representation of them. It is a private portal accessable only by a login with username and password provided by this office. If you are not a client of this office you will not have access to this site. We apologize for any inconvienence. Our clients may login on this page in the area indicated.
We welcome you to become clients of this Law Office. You may contact us by using the contact page. Fill in the information requested and click SEND and it will send us a message with your comments. Please understand that just because you send us any communication or message, an attorney-client relationship is not created. Should this office represent you as your attorney, you will receive separate communication from us in that regard.
To Login to the client site, click: Login to client site.
You may also find out more about this office by visiting our office website at Lopresto-law.com.
This website is intended for clients of the Law Office of Michael Lopresto. Some areas of this website are accessible to those that do not have an attorney-client relationship with our office. Those that are not clients of our office may use the public areas of this site. However, by doing so, an attorney-client relationship with our office is not intended to be created without further agreement with Michael Lopresto. The agreement creating the attorney-client relationship must be in writing and can not be created solely by the use of this website or the submission of an data to our office through this website. Any access to restricted pages of this website without the creation of an attorney-client relationship with our office is strictly prohibited.

Security of client information and communications has been a concern of ours for some time now. We have provided this client portal to insure that our communications with clients and the information our office provides is secure. We hope you find this site useful in your relationship with us.
Michael Lopresto